Emergent Strategies

I research, write about, and support K-12 education to help schools and school leaders prepare for, embrace, and shape educational change. By partnering with teachers and educational leaders, I support the forward momentum of student learning.

Adapting Systems

Schools are made up of all kinds of systems, large and small. Through collaborative relationships, I help schools and school leaders to adapt systems and create practices to move schools forward.

"What we pay attention to grows"

– Adrienne Maree Brown

Growing Leaders

People and learning are the engines that propel schools. As a leadership teacher and practitioner, I partner with aspiring and emergent leaders as they prepare to lead educational change for tomorrow's students.

“A person is a text in continual becoming”

– Diana Masny

Thought Leadership

Book CHapter

Crisis Leader Literacies in K-12 Independent Schools During COVID-19

In crisis contexts, independent school leaders need to leverage adaptability and communication literacies that help them to connect and relate with the full continuum of need in their communities.
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Navigating the New Normal: Teaching in the Age of AI

As educators, we should engage students in conversations about where and how they see novel technologies impacting their own worlds, and what it might change for their capacities in the future.
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Crucibles of Change

Warren Bennis and Robert J. Thomas, wrote that a crucible is “a transformative experience through which an individual comes to a new or an altered sense of identity.” In the creative crucible of education, regardless of our specific context, we are always changing.
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